Chote Kadam began as a joint initiative between Ujjivan Financial Services Limited and Parinaam Foundation in 2017. Both of us were trying to support the same ultra-poor communities and we realised that a joint approach would help our beneficiaries better. Into this mix came Bhumiputra Architecture with their talent and their commitment.

Today, we have completed 250+ projects with over 4 million beneficiaries across India. And we have many more in the pipeline.

We have compiled some of our projects into a coffee-table book — Shaking The World, Gently. It features projects from start to finish — the need, the solution, the blueprints and the execution. We have a free version here for you to peruse, please do take a look.

If you wish to have a hardcover for yourself, we can send you one at
Rs. 2500/copy. Just fill in your details below.
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